The Super Benefits Of Pili In A Nutshell

The Super Benefits Of Pili In A Nutshell


Bicol’s pili nut has massive health benefits

Health, beauty and wellness has become a high priority for many Filipinos specially during this time of pandemic. More people are looking to eat healthier and discover the next best super food. In the Philippines, there’s an abundance of these powerful ingredients. Chief among them is Virgin Coconut Oil or VCO, which is being exported and used by several high profile brands. And next to it, when it come to health benefits, is the humble pili nut.

Specifically it’s the Pili Nut that come from a tropical tree called Canarium ovatum, and it is solely grown in the Philippines. The leading producers of this nut-bearing tree are the provinces of Camarines Sur, Albay, and Sorsogon.

The pulp of the pili can produce oil that can be used for manufacturing cosmetics and soaps. The oil itself already has many purpose like for lighting and cooking. Its antiseptic properties can also heal wounds. Pili nuts are also packed with healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients because it grows in rich lava-based soil in the Philippines. 

There are many ways to use this nut to the point that you wont have any excuse to not have it in or on your body. Here are pili nuts in their many forms and the health benefits that come with them

Healthier than olive oil

Pili nut kernels are filled with nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. They are also rich in omega fatty acids, phosphorus, and protein.

Photo from Healthline.

These components make our hearts healthier and could also help balance our cholesterol. These kernels can be made into nut kernel oil, which is said to be healthier than olive oil.

Pili in our diet

If you are on a ketogenic diet, then pili nuts are perfect for you because they have the lowest carb count of all nuts.

Photo from Eat Pili Nuts.

The keto diet involves having low carb and high-fat food so including Pili in your diet as a snack option can help improve your health and lose weight.

Good for your skin

Pili oil is a superfood for skin because they are rich in vitamins A and E that help moisturize our skin. It also aids in optimizing the functions of the skin’s barrier. As a result, Pili oil can help diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and can also minimize pores.

Photo from Pinterest.

Aside from its moisturizing abilities, Pili oil also has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. These properties are perfect for healing allergies and other skin ailments. 


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